Chicago Spring Break 2016

I had been trying to come up with something that I could do with the girls over part of Spring Break. I wasn’t really having any luck coming up with something that was in budget and fun at the same time. Kings Island isn’t open yet and even if it was it would be hard for 3 people.

Zarah isn’t very into museums yet. So Chicago Museums are out. Caribbean Cove is closed for remodeling and Great Wolf lodge wants $375.00 a night over Spring Break.

About 5 days before break was to begin Courtney told me that she had some dinner reservations for March 22nd and the American Girl Doll Store in Chicago. She said that she wasn’t going to be able to use them so I could have them if I wanted.

I thought that was a good Idea. I got on priceline and got a room at the Best Western North in Chicago for two nights at 89.00 plus tax a night. It has a pool and that would be mandatory.

I have wanted to take the girls on a train for a couple of years, so that they could experience it.So I got on Amtrack and bought tickets from Indianapolis to Chicago  and back for $160.00.


On Sunday I packed my stuff and drove over to Missy and Danny’s house. The train leaves at 6:00 a.m. on Monday morning. Courtney and Missy thought it would be easier if I stayed at the Ballards house Sunday night and Courtney could drive the 3 of us to the train station in downtown Indianapolis.


Missy, Danny and I  sat in the Living room and talked for a while. Missy had to go to sleep pretty early, because she had to be at the Post Office at 1:00 a.m. Danny and I talked until about 8:00 P.M. while a funniest video program was on T.V


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Courtney arrived at 4:45 a.m. Then we went to a drive thru at McDonalds. The girls got pancakes. I got a coffee.

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We made it to the Train Station and got checked in.

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No sooner than I sat the bags down they called for our train.

They assigned seats as we got on. They gave us 12, 13, 14. I seat in the seats across the aisle from Azure and Zarah.

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The train had lots of outlets and Wifi. The girls loved that they immediately set up camp and started playing.

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Finally after day break Azure conked out for a while, so did I.

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Eventually I asked Zarah if she wanted to go down and get a drink or something.

We had to walk through 3 cars to get to the “Cafe’. There were 3 or 4 tables sat up.

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Zarah crossing from one car to another.

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Trekking back to our seats.

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Crossing a bridge over a big river. I don’t know which one.  We made 5 or 6 short stops in various towns to either pick up or drop off passengers. The total train time was 5 hours. It went well though. We arrived in Chicago safe and sound. It was 10:45 am. ( 11:45 a.m. Indiana time)

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This was right after we got out of the train station. It took me a while to remember who took this photo. Now I remember, a lady walking down the sidewalk offered to take the picture of the 3 of us as she saw me taking a picture of the girls. We were going to try and walk to the Hotel but the bags were just too bulky and the girls insisted on carrying their American Girl dolls. Plus I had no idea where I was, and Siri was not cooperating at the time.  So we just flagged a cab down. It turned out to be a good idea because we were a couple of miles from the Hotel.

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We got to the Hotel and went inside. It was about 11:30 and check in time wasn’t until 3:00. I asked them if theycould hold our luggage until check in time. He just went ahead and gave us a room that was awesome.

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The girls said that they were hungry so we walked across the street to a massive 2 story McDonalds.

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Zarah got a cheeseburger with ketchup only and fries and a strawberry shake.
Azure got 4 chicken nuggets, fries and a Shamrock shake.
I got Fries and a coke.  There was a lot of neat knick knacks and decorations everywhere.
If you look closely you can see a snow globe collection behind the girls.


The girls were anxious to go the the American Girl Doll store, but I told them that was for Tuesday. Today were just going to wing it. I thought maybe they would like to see Chicago from the top of one of the towers. Azure was slightly apprehensive but not too bad. We tried to walk to the  Water Tower Place on the magnificent mile but Zarah’s feet got tired. We took a cab the rest of the way.


I wanted to take picture from the top of the tower but just as we were going in my phone completely died. ugh. All of my stuff was back at the hotel. There is actually a Best Buy at the bottom of Water Tower Place. I went in and bought a cable and an A.C. charger. A lady outside said that there were some charging stations on the 2nd floor of Bloomingdales. It was just across the street. So we went over there for about 20 minutes. Just enough to get us through the tower.

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When we arrived back the bottom of the Water Tower Place we saw a spa and nail place called Azure.

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Beautiful day, Beautiful views.

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A family offered to take our picture together by the window. Just as she snapped the pic a Window washer photobombed us. All of us were cracking up. I think even the window washer was smiling at us as he went past. I asked  the girls, “Can you imagine working so high up in the air all day?”.

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There is the Water Tower Place in the back ground as we made our way to Navy Pier.
I really don’t know how far we walked. 10 blocks maybe?  Zarah said her feet were tired again. I tried to grab another cab but for some reason they were all going the other way. ‘

Finally I saw a city bus stopped by the side of the road. I was reluctant to grab one because I had zero idea of how the bus routes ran. I asked the drive who was standing on the side walk, smoking I think. I pointed to the Navy Pier, which we could see but was still pretty far away if she went near that at all. She said not all the way but closer that we are now.

She let us ride with her, we were the only ones on the bus, She wouldn’t let me pay. She wouldn’t even let me tip her. That was nice.

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So we got off the bus, It almost seemed like we were the same distance from the Pier just at different view point. So I hailed another taxi…3rd one in 2 hours…This was starting to look like a bad trend.

Finally we Made it..

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After spending about 45 minutes in the botanical garden and out by the Ferris Wheel we went to the Children s Museum.

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Painting the walls with water and a paintbrush.

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Digging up dinosaur bones above.

At one point we came up on a workshop. Which wasn’t so odd in itself. What I was surprised to see was that all of the tools were real. Saws, Drills, Hammers, Vices, Sanders. etc.. etc.. But the girls loved it. I told them we would make some stuff out of wood the next time they came over.

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Took me a while to get them out of there but the both ended up making what amounted to little desks for their American Girl Dolls.

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It was 5:00 p.m. or so went we made it back to the Hotel.

( another cab)

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Somewhere in this time frame we walked over to a Walgreens. I forgot to pack swim trucks. Found some red trunks that said Chicago USA on them for $11.50. That will do it
The girls were tired, but not too tired to swim. Our room was 340, the pool was on the 6th floor. 
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You can see lil Zarah through the glass.

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A note I found from Zarah by my billfold.

The girls said they were freezing after swimming, so filled up a tub full of hot water. They played in that for probably an hour.

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I decided to go get some ice. Zarah wanted to carry the bucket. We had to go up one floor for the Ice machine.

Zarah looked like she was either taking the Ice Bucket Challenge with no Ice or she is one of the witches soldiers from the Wizard of Oz.

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They decided that they were hungry so I locked the door and ran across the street to the McDonalds.

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This Original  59 Corvette and Beatles Tribute was part of the McDonalds.

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Here are the tables the girls made today at the Children’s Museum

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These reading glass fold up and go in your Bill fold. I got them for the trip. They are very handy

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I woke up the next morning hungry, but only one thing sound good to me. Usually I am not particular. But today I didn’t want anything sweet. I didn’t want Cereal or Oatmeal.  I wanted Spicy. I wanted a Skillet Breakfast with Potatoes and Salsa. Like they have at Patachous.


I asked Siri several times finally she came up with a place called Eggsperience Cafe
35 W Ontario St, Chicago, IL 60654. It was EGGSACTLY what I was craving. Yum.

Zarah got Pancakes, Azure got Fresh Fruit with Greek Yogurt

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Walking back from Breakfast we passed a Rainforest Cafe. ( Right next to the McDonalds)

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When we arrived back at the room, We found the room all cleaned up.

The girls started playing with their toys. All of the sudden Zarah said that she couldn’t find the desk she made yesterday. I looked all around it was not anywhere to be found.

I opened the door and peeked down the hall. There was a cleaning cart in the hall but no one was around it.  I stuck my hand in the trash and started moving paper around and I found Zarah’s desk. Then I even found the “I love Dad” note she wrote for me last night. I was shocked. I didn’t say anything though. Move on.
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Today is the Big Day….. About 10:30 we started making our way to the Fabled American Girl doll store.

  1. Matching Clothes – Check,
  2. American Girl Dolls  – Check,
  3. Two happy girls – Check!!

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One of two Harry Carey Restaurants I saw.

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Just because of the Current Political Scene.

Here is Trump Tower

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Zarah was excited that she could get in on the store naming motif.

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e passed a Disney store on the way. Or should I say we DIDN’T pass the Disney store on the way.

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Finally arriving at the Hallowed grounds of A.G.D inc.

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We are on an Old Timey T.V.

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Azure and Zarah each did the “Create your own outfit” in the Signature Studio.

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If you spent 50 dollars or more you could get this spring dress for $14.00. By now that was beginning to look like a bargain.
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2:15 On our way to our Dinner/Lunch reservations

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Azure and Zarah loved the little doll chairs that hook onto the table

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Cheers my little dears!


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We finished up and took a cab back to the hotel around 4:15 p.m. The girls couldn’t wait to play with their new toys.

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More Swimming on Tuesday afternoon.

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Back at the hotel another hot bath and then more play time. I put Minecraft on Zarahs Tablet.

I put a game on Azure’s Itouch that she wanted.

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Time to recharge our batteries. Got another big day ahead.

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The next morning I woke up with Heartburn. We walked down to “Jewel” food and got some baking soda 89 cents.. and a couple of donuts. Zarah got a jelly filled one.

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Swimming!!! yes I jumped in with my t-shirt on. oh well.

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Trump Tower looks like it is rising up into the clouds.

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After swimming another hot bath, we got dressed and packed up our stuff.

Then a quick stop at a Bloomingdale’s about 5 blocks away and the we went to the hotel lobby.

It was 11:30. I checked out and asked them if they could hold our luggage until four or five. They said “Sure”.

I gave z 50 cents she got two gums balls. Both of the girls made horrible faces and spit them out. Azure said they were too sour. Zarah said it was too spicy.. that gave me a chuckle.

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On Monday I was looking through a local to do magazine and saw an add for a place called “Yarnify” Azure really wanted to go and reminded me several times.

Zarah said “That sounds Boring”…. I laughed.

About noon I grabbed a cab and we went there.


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We stayed there for about 45 minutes. I bought Azure a 7 dollar hook of some sort.

The girls wanted to go to the American Girl Doll Store again.  Well, got nothing else planned so I said o.k. I really didn’t want to take another cab. We went down into the subway. The tickets came out of a vending machine. There were many different types and different price ranges.

1 hour pass, all day, Transfer, etc.. I had no idea which ones to get. A lady that worked for the subway came over. She was very helpful and told me that Zarah we be free.
I didn’t know that. I would have just bought 3 tickets.

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Back near Water Tower place again.

There was a Hershey Store one the way . Each of the girls got a cookie.

$4.75 each.

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Yesterday I didn’t even notice that the American Girl Doll store was in a Mall.

I ducked out for about 15 minutes to look around. Got a Starbucks. Saw a Hot Pepper store.

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It was around 2:00 p.m. when we left. It was clouding up and looking like it was going to rain.

The girls didn’t want to leave. But 6 hours in two days was enough for dad.

We took a City Bus near that stopped about 6 blocks from the Hotel. An Indian guy that was on his way to work at Subway was going about the same place we walked with him and he showed how to get to the hotel.

As we got close I realized I still needed to kill at least an hour before getting the luggage and heading to the train station.

I asked the girls if they wanted to get something to eat at the Rainforest Cafe. Neither one of them were interested. I said lets just take a peek. Their moods instantly changed once they stepped foot inside.

Zarah at one point said “This is the best place I have ever been  to”.

They got kids meals with Pizza, Canaloupe and Apple juice.  I got the 12 dollar veggie burger.
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Zarah left her crust laying all over the plate so I re-assembled the crust like a puzzle.

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We stayed about an hour. And walked back to the hotel. We got our luggage and hailed a cab.

Our driver has been a cab driver for 29 years. 3 more and he is calling it quits.

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Lots of people frantically going every direction. It is now 5:00 p.m.

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I asked an Amtrak employee where we should go to wait. He said Room G.

Here we are.

Shortly there after were were told the train had mechanical failure and that there were getting a bus for us.

There was a lady and her kids beside us in the room. She said that she had sat behind behind Azure and Zarah on the train coming to Chicago. She told me that her kids were very impressed at how good Azure and Zarah were at playing Minecraft. She gave Azure and Zarah a little fruit snack pack.

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We sat in the very back because there were 3 seats together.

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On our way back I was sitting in the middle. Azure and I were looking outside it was raining some a gray and overcast. There were dozens and dozens of tractor trailers loaded on flat bed train cars. One of the cars was from a Trucking company called “Swift” and the very next car was called “Taylor”. Azure and I caught it at the same time. We thought that was funny.


All 3 of us eventually tried to get some shut eye. Azure was the most successful. Zarah and I couldn’t get comfortable. I had the two seats in front of them also, But I just had to twist around to the point that I wasn’t going to fall asleep.

We made it back around 10:00 All 3 of us a little sad that the trip is over. You can see it in Azure face.

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Courtney arrived about 15 minutes later. We went to Missy and Danny’s house so I could get the car. We turned on the overhead light and showed Courtney the T.V. that Zarah got and the Vanity that Azure got.

I hated to leave but I was also anxious to squeeze in as much sleep as I could before work the next morning.  I hugged them and Kissed them. I was a little melancholy.

But we did create some fun Memories. Thanks to my Family

March 25th, 2016 by