
I took Yudis car at 5:00 and drove to Starbucks at 96th and Meridian.
Courtney didn’t get there until about 6 because of traffic. 
We went to Barnes and Noble in westfield for about 30 minutes. 
Then we went to the McDonalds in Westfield. Zarah wanted to play in the tubes in the playground.

Zarah got a small strawberry shake and Azure got chocolate. They each got small fries and I got a medium fry. 
I asked Zarah if she had had a milk shake lately . She said yes she went to “Station Shake” with Grandma. Azure and I laughed because we knew she didn’t know it was called steak and shake. 
Azure and Zarah are excited about tomorrow. They both seem really happy. 
We made it back to the house at 7:35. I wanted them to watch the space shuttle fly over with me at 7:57 PM. but as soon as they started doing tumbling in the basement with Buku they lost interest in it. 
I drove about a block away where the tree line wasn’t so bad. It is cold, clear and crisp out. And the sky is really lit up with stars. 
The problem was that there we so many things fying around in the night sky that I don’t know if I saw the space shuttle or not. 
Zarah and I played playdoh in the piano room for a short time until Brooklynn had to go to bed. 

THen Azure read a book for 15 minutes and Zarah played with her tablet. Then they laid on the matteress and watched Big Hero 6. 
Both girls fell asleep about 2/3rds of the way through it. 
Zarah had a stuffy nose all night and I got her some decongestant. 
Azure woke up with a stuffy nose and I gave her some to. 
We got up about 8:30. I made the girls each a bowl of cheerios. and they ate it in the piano room. Frank and Deeya were both up but Buku slept until 9:30.  Then she came in and the girls watched
movies for a little while. 

Azure and Brooklynn made little gift packages for Brooklynn birthday. 
Around 10:30 Zarah and I took yudis car to the goodwill in westifield. There wasn’t anything I liked even though everything is 50off today. Zarah pushed the cart around for me. 
We went to the BP station nearby and Zarah got an orange pushup. 
We went back. 
The 3 girls played down in the basement with Yudi will I took a shower and got ready for tonite. 
We left the house at 3:15. Azure read her book all the way there. 
We got to missy and dans at 4:10 PM. Jessie was out in the street  riding his motercycle. Carter and Grace were on bicycles. 
We went in and Missy put Azure and Zarahs hair in Ponytails. 
Courtney and Tim and Remy showed up a little later. 
We talked until about 4:50 and then The girls and I drove over to Bethesda. I was walking them in when Jessie and Jessica drove up and honked at us. 
Jessica went ahead and took the girls in. I went to Wal-mart and walked around for awhile. I ran into Kim Brooks there. We talked for 10-15 minutes. 
Then I went to Taco Bell and had two Dorito Tacos. (sans vacca) Yup. I am mixing French and Spanish. 
Then I went and sat in the Kmart Parking lot until about 6:50. 
I drove over to Bethesda Christian School and paid my $5.00 to get into the game. 
Courtney and Tim got there a little later. They didn’t see me when they came in an got a seat on the bleachers down front. 
Jessie and Jessica came a few minutes later they came up and sat by me for a few minutes. 
Then we went over and sat by Tim and Courtney. Soon after that Missy and Danny came in and sat down with us. 
Then girls came on at Halftime. They both did really good. I was impressed. Azure really did good. She had been nervous about it before hand. 
After it was over Courtney walked out with us. We drove to Books-a-Million on west 86th st. I got Zarah a Rainbow-Dash pony and Azure a Web-kins signature plush dog toy. Like I always do, I grabbed a couple of books I wanted and then put them down just before getting to the register.. 
I never can seem to pull out the billfold for things I want. 

We got back around 10:15. I laid between then on the mattress. They had thier heads on my shoulders.  We watched Most of Cinderella. Both the girls fell asleep about 1/2 way through so I turned it off. I moved over to the couch so I wouldn’t be so crowded and crashed.
We woke up at 8:30. I made pancakes for everyone. The girls got ready for church and I took a shower. 
We went to Harbour Shores at 10:00 am. After church we went to The mexican restaurant in Cicero. 
We got back around 2:00. The girls played in the piano room. and jumped on the pillows and blankets. Azure made a little dog kennel for her new Stuffed dog out of Islas Crib. She kept telling Zarah to be quiet because her dog was sleeping. lol. 

We watched Barbie a Christmas Story. Surprizingly both the girls were very into it. 
Around 3:30 Azure and I practiced guitar again for a while. She is doing better at not getting discouraged. I could see her actually thinking about it. She even talked about me and her making a music video. 
Around 4:30 The girls practiced tumbling again. for a while in the basement. ‘I helped Azure work on her back/flip I don’t know what she called it. She kept getting discouraged. A couple of tears fell a few times.  I encouraged her. I told her that she can not give up. That her whole life will be filled with challenges. She has to learn to hang in there and believe in herself.
Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy. The people that who become good at things do it over and over and over. And fail hundreds of times before they master it. Whether its Buisness, gymnastics. guitar. drawing even confidence or patience . What ever it is. Dust yourself off. calm down. Clear your mind and try again. Eventually she will get better. Its just the way things work. 
I showed her different ways she could work up to to her back flip Rather than do the whole thing all at once. She can find a way to accomplish anything if she wants to bad enough. This seemed to help her. 
The girls went to Awana at Harbour Shores at 5:30 with Brooklynn. 
I picked the girls up at 7:30. We took Brooklynn Home. I Zarah a Banana and Took a couple or oranges with us. We drove to Costco at 86th and Michigan at 8:30. I talked to Azure the whole way there  bout confidence and not giving up and about picking the right friends about saying no to people that want her to do the wrong things. Zarah listened and played with her tablet the whole way. 
We got to Costco at 8:40. Courtney and Tim were there in the Police Blazer. 
I gave the girls hugs and we transferred the stuff. The girls showed Courtney thier new Stuffed Animals as soon as they got out of the car. I had a good weekend with them. 
I got home, took the trash out. Fixed Yudi’s headlight and took two cars to the gas station and filled them up. 
I watched computer videos for about 2 hours. I have a headache. going to bed. Midnight.

February 14th, 2015 by