Azure and Zarah – My Pride and Joy

Deeya met Courtney at the Starbucks at 96th and Meridian on Friday after work.
I was super excited to see them. And they both gave me really big hugs. It had been nice out all day.

Compared to recent weather. It was probably in the 50’s. The girls wanted to go outside and play while it was still daylight. So we walked around the trail a couple of times. There was snow on most of the trail. In the spots where there was no snow the ground was pretty mushy.

Zarah tried to pickup and carry every stick in the woods and kept saying. “No body knows that we have all these sticks”. I laughed. After a while when she had both hands full dragging sticks of different sizes. She tripped over one and went splat in the cold mud. She seemed O.K. with it. But told her we needed to go in the house and clean her knees and hands off.

We went in while Brooklynn and Azure ran around on the trail pretending that they were fairies. 
After we came back out I found a small bird nest on the trail and showed it to the 3 girls.

We walked over to the trampoline and they had lots of fun until it was dark out. We went in.Yudi made bowls of fruit for the 3 girls. Bananas, Grapes, Blueberries, and Apple slices. Zarah ate all of hers plus an Orange. She really likes them and she insists on peeling them herself.

Brooklynn and Azure played around the house while Zarah and I played with a Spirograph and drew pictures with colored pencils.

 After we did that Zarah got on “” and did some of the puzzles and games. I like that website for kids. Azure used to play on it a lot when she was smaller.

After Brooklynn went upstairs for the night Azure and I made some designs on the Spirograph. Azure started talking about “Beanie Boos” and how much she wanted Meercat called “Rebel” She and I got on the Tyco website and I ordered one for her. I also ordered a Unicorn named “Magic” for Zarah. (You couldn’t get the Zebra online for some reason).

I had them shipped to Missy and Dannys house in Brownsburg. Azure was excited about it and mentioned it several times over the weekend. I found a packed of “Pop Rocks” in drawer and the 3 of us ate them. I had to grab a camera and get the reaction on Zarahs face before I gave her some.

We went to bed around 11:00 P.M. I read the start of “Winnie-The-Pooh” to them. I say start because they were both fast asleep before we made it through 3 pages.

Saturday morning we got up, set up a mic and a speaker and played guitar and sang for them. They danced and jumped around and had a good time. Recently I began playing an old Gibson acoustic that Azure and Zarahs Great-Grand parents gave me several years ago. I wasn’t sure it they had ever heard the guitar, or me play one.  The Webbs live in Florida so I video taped it so that I could send a copy to them on DVD.I played a song I learned recently. “Pride and Joy” by Stevie Ray Vaughan“.

After we did that Zarah and Azure each had a microphone and performed “What does the Fox say?” several times. It was funny and fun…. Then Zarah sang “Roar” by Katie Perry. She was very cute.

I made pancakes with Blueberries and or Chocolate Chips. Azure wanted Chocolate chips Zarah wanted Blueberries.

In the afternoon Brooklynn, Azure, Zarah and I took another walk around the trail. Azure and Brooklynn said that they saw a fox in the woods.

When we got back in the 4 of us watched “Frozen“. Brooklynn and Azure bounced around on Deeya exercise balls.

Later Azure told Deeya and I that she had to make a Dioroma of a “Beluga Whale” habitat. Frank found some molding clay and a shoe box. Deeya dug up some craft supplies and I worked on making a clay Beluga Whale. I worked on it for a couple of hours. Brooklynn and Azure made clay bowls.

Towards the evening Deeya and Frank went out to dinner with a couple of friends. Azure and Brooklynn played upstairs with Yudi. and Zarah and I played in the basement. She sat on my lap and I read “The Cat in the Hat” to her 2 times. And then she “read” it to me two times. Brooklynn, Azure, and Yudi made Breadsticks with cheese sauce. And more fruit bowls and had a “Picnic” upstairs. They were having a blast. I could hear them running and screaming and laughing.

While all that was going on Upstairs I made a bag of popcorn and Zarah sat on my lap while we watched the “Tinkerbell” movie. About 10:30 Yudi decided it was time for Brooklynn to hit the Hay. Azure couldn’t decided whether to stay downstairs with me or sleep upstairs with Brooklynn.. I told her I didn’t care if she slept upstairs but next time she comes over I want her to stay with me. She teared up a little and then went upstairs. About 10 minutes later she came downstairs and jumped up my lap beside Zarah. We finished “Tinkerbell” and went to bed.

I picked up the “Winnie-the Pooh” book again. And started where I left off Friday night. But they were both asleep within 5 minutes.

Sunday I got up at 7 am and took a shower. Then I 8:00  a.m. I woke the girls and talked to them for a while while we layed around on the bed. We got up and got dressed for Church. Zarah threw a fit about all of her clothes being too tight. I spent about 30 minutes trying to brush Zarahs hair. It looked worse by the time I got done with it. I was frustrated with the whole situation by the time we left at 10:15 a.m.

I talked to Diane and Steve at Church. Zarah drew me a picture and gave me cup with dirt and seeds in it that she made in Sunday School. (It is in my window seal here at the house). Azure gave me a picture that she colored too. (They know I love hand made presents)

After church Deeya and Frank took us to the Mexican Restaurant in Cicero for lunch. Azure had a Cheese Enchillada and Zarah had a Hotdog with french fries. ( She didn’t eat the hot dog.)

On the way home Deeya and Frank got a phone call and spent the whole afternoon dealing with personal business while the 3 of us played in the basement.

I printed off some facts about Beluga Whales. Azure and I went over it a couple of times. I told her what I thought the important facts were. We put some more touches on her Diorama

Around 4:00 P.M. Azure and Brooklynn learned to play and sing “Beautiful Day” by Jamie Grace. 
They both did a GREAT job. At the same time Zarah strummed along on my Yamaha acoustic.

From 5:00 P.M. Until 6:00 P.M. The 3 of them played “Duck, Duck, Goose. Then unfortunaltely
we had to leave at 6:10 to meet Courtney and Tim at Starbucks. Azure and Zarah gave me great big hugs and kisses as I loaded them into the car.

ADDENDUM: Azure called me at 4:45 on Friday 3-13-14. And the First thing she said was: We got our animals!!!,, She was very excited. I said “What do you mean?” and then I figured out what she was talking about just before she told me. She was really happy and described all of the colors in “Rebel” and read me the tag on his body. She said “he is so adorable!”…..She said after school she went to the mailbox with Grandpa. And she had her fingers crossed the whole time. And when she saw the box come out of the mail box she started jumping up and down with happiness. She said “Grandpa my Meercat is here!!!”

WOW…I am so grateful to God for my little girls. I am so grateful to God that I didn’t miss all of  Azures little girl stuff. I get so filled with happiness to see her happy and playing that I could just burst.  We talked about her whale project. She said that it is on display in the hall of her school. She said that the fin on the side that doesn’t show broke off. We talked for about 25 minutes. It was really really nice.

March 9th, 2014 by