Pacer Game 2-1-2014

February 1st and 2nd 2014

I met courtney outside of Conseco fieldhouse at 5:00 P.M. It was cold and rainy out.

Azure, Zarah and I went inside and I gave  each of them a ticket for the Pacer game.

The game was between the Pacers and Brooklynn nets. Deeya and Frank bought the tickets for Yudi for her birthday. We were excited to share Yudi’s Birthday with her. And also it was a great time to show Azure how overpaid professionals play Basketball since she is on little girls basketball team in Brownsburg now.

Yudi the Birthday Girl!!!

After getting our tickets scanned We immediately made our way over to a man making things out of balloon. All the Girls  had balloon characters made. Zarah was just amazed watching the man make the balloons.

Brooklynn got a tiger. Azure got a Flower and Azure got the Pacer mascot Boomer.( her really went all out on making that one.)

Then  all the girls got their faces painted for the big game.

 After that we went over to the food court and got Hotdogs and Pretzels and Pop. We watched the people and and talked and had fun. I I think the girls went through the “Wheel of fortune”spin for a prize line 3 times.

Finally we made our way to the court area we went in and sat down.
We had separate seats from Deeya Frank, Brooklynn and Yudi. Azure, Zarah and my seats were
actually about 15 rows closer. But we were still just up the Aisle from each other.

Scott Swan from Channel 13 was beside us on the left.

  Zarah loved the smoke and fireworks and lights at the beginning.

While the team was warming up They were showing people from
the crowd on the big screen. Azure was kind of pretend sulking for a
minute. I said “What?” She said I want to be on T.V. And not 30 seconds
later…. There we were!!!! Up on the Screen. I was amazed. So was
Azure…. : ) .

 After first quarter was over Azure went up to sit with Brooklynn for a while
Yudi came down and Sat with Zarah and I. We all 3 ate cotton candy. Took pictures and had a good time.

At one point the “Kiss Cam” People were coming straight down our row. They got the couple right beside us. And it looked liked we were gonna be next the camera man was standing right in front of us.Yudi and I were trying desperately to act like we didn’t know each other. Looking back it was pretty funny.

 Zarah made a hilarious comment to us at one
point.  Zarah was sitting on Yudi’s lap and Yudi and I were trying to carry
on a conversation but it was so loud that we had to talk pretty loud and
forcefully.When were had been talking a while Poked her finger at us and  said

“You!!, and You!!, Are spitting on my arm.” And just the way she said still has me laughing today.

The halftime show was a couple called “Quick Change” They were pretty
good. Here is a link to them on Youtube.

The Pacers WON. Thank you Frank and Deeya for a great fun night out!!!!!

The next day Zarah said 5-6 times randomly throughout the day “ I wasn’t scared of

Boomer.” That was cute and helped to remind me just how little Zarah really is.

After the game we came back to The house and Azure slept up with Brooklynn. Zarah and I watched “Rio” and Played with Playdoh. We went to sleep on the mattress watching “Garfield”.

The next day I made Pancakes for everyone. And worked on a Music Video
for Azure and Zarahs great grandparents the Webbs.

Deeya Crimped Brooklynn and Azures hair in preparation for Church.
Azure came down and said: “Taylor Swift is here to see you.“. I have to admit, with her hair done up like that she did look alot like her.

I had Brooklynn take a picture of Azure acting like she was signing an autograph for me. It was funny.

We went to Church. It was a good service. Zarah had fun at her church and

she colored me a picture.

Not sure which one is Skinnier!!!

Azure and Brooklynn went to thiers also. After Church at Noon we went to

the Mexican Restaurant in Cicero and had lunch.

When we got back to the house Azure and Zarah played Minecraft together

for a while. Then later the 3 of us went to the barn to shoot some baskets

with Azure. We played for about 25 minutes but it was just a little to

cold so we went back in. I wanted to give Azure a guitar lesson but for

the 2nd time in a row Azure didn’t bring her guitar. She said it was at

her grandmothers house. 

We were getting ready to watch “Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2” when

Courtney called and wanted us to meet her a little earlier.

Azure and Zarah didn’t want to leave and I didn’t want them to.

We met Courtney at Starbuck at 4:45 Pm. Then we went to 5 seasons so that Brooklynn could practice tennis.

I went up to the Lounge and messed around on my laptop. The Super bowl is on right now but I am not watching it.

I changed my Facebook Profile Pick to one of me and the girls at last

nights pacer game. It got 35 likes in 3 hours. That made me feel good.

After we left 5 Seasons we went to “Granite City” and had a couple

appitizers and talked for about an Hour. We got home around 8 P.M. And

here I sit typing this.

I Have gotten lapse over the last 60 days with Working and Thanksgiving

and Christmas and new years. I have been doing so much that I haven’t had

time to document any of it. I am gonna try to get back in the habit.

February 2nd, 2014 by