First week of June 2016

Thursday I went to see Leon Bridges at the Murat. On the way my windshield got struck by a small rock. It made a little spider crack in the glass. I got to the Murat around 5:30.
I was walking over to Starbucks to get a mozzarella and tomato sandwich when I saw Leon and the guitar player walking on the sidewalk.. Just after that a couple of young ladies went over to them and got autographs and photographs.

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I hung out in Chris’s office for almost 2 hours before the show.  It was a good show. Carl Storie (of Faith Band /” Dancin’ Shoes” Fame ) came in and sat down in the row right in front of me. He gave me a hug when he saw me. He asked me when he and I were going to get together and play. Later during the show Carl and I went back to Chris ‘s office and reminisced.


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I bought a windshield repair kit and fixed my windshield before work on Friday.
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Yudi picked the Azure and Zarah up around 1-2 on Friday. Deeya is trying to get Brooklynn on a schedule that will get her to bed a little earlier so Deeya wanted to start the play time a little earlier. Yudi, Brooklynn, Azure and Zarah went swimming at five seasons for the afternoon.

I called Yudi on the way home to see if they were still there but Yudi ‘ t answer. So I went on home.
I knew it was going to rain this weekend so I mowed the front yard real quick and hung a few pieces of Lattice in the back yard so that some vines Frank planted would crawl up them.

The girls all got back around 7:00 and came out in to the back yard where I was working.
Azure told me all about the awards she had won on the last day of School. I am very proud of her.
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We all went down to the basement and the girls stretched and practiced back walkovers and other gymnastic moves.  Brooklynn had to got to bed at 8:00. Went didn’t stay up much later than that.
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I practiced guitar for a while Azure and Zarah watched “The Princess Bride” Movie and continued to practice Gymnastic Moves.

after that Azure read a couple of chapters of the “The Princess Bride” book. She was frustrated at first and said that it was too hard for her. She asked me what “Adversary” meant. What a “Count” was, and what a “Suitor” was.  I explained them to her and she soon warmed up to the book.
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Zarah played games on the computer but fell asleep after only a few minutes. Soon Azure fell asleep reading and I carried her over to the mattress and laid her down.
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I slept on the mattress on the floor in between them. I got up at 6:30 am on Saturday. Brooklynn came down around 7:15 am. and woke Azure up. THey went upstairs and drew pictures. Zarah woke up around 8:00 am and went up stairs.
The three of them drew pictures in the living room.

Deeya was practicing for a CPR test later in the day. I made cereal for the girls and a spinach omelette for Deeya with only egg whites. Azure wanted to try.  I started practicing guitar in preparation for the party on June 18th. It is kinda cool and rainy out today but the girls all wanted to go swimming at the indoor pool at five seasons.
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I said no problem just be very careful. I wanted to setup the stage for practicing today.

I jammed out in the barn. After the girls went swimming they went to Chipoltle. Azure and Zarah Yudi and Brooklynn played in the basement.
Zarah saw an old IPhone 3 sitting on the shelf in my bedroom. She said “Can I have it?”.
I spent a while clearing it off and charging it. Then I put a few “KIdz Bop” cd’s on it. She basically had the thing on the rest of the weekend. Yudi played a couple games of UNO with Azure and Zarah
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I was sleeping in the middle between Azure and Zarah…. when all of the sudden Azure shook my arm and said: “DADDY, DADDY, I AM SCARED!!!”….. I hugged her and reassured her that everything was O.K. She was having a nightmare… She said that it had something to do with a Teddy Bear that had come to life….I flipped on the lights… We went up to the kitchen and had a couple of breakfast bars in the kitchen,.After a while we went back downstairs.

It was daylight by the time she fell back to sleep, but I was very, very grateful that I had been there when she needed me. I petted her hair while she slept, and thanked God for the blessings in my life.


We got up around 7:30 a.m. Azure and Brooklynn Drew pictures in the living room while Zarah was still asleep. Deeya curled Brooklynn and Azures Hair in the living room. She managed to burn her self two times with it in the process.
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I went out into the back yard and saw a big vulture in a tree top sunning his wings.
He just sat there motionless.
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We went to the a little coffee shop in Cicero and had a nice breakfast.
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We went to church. They baptized serveral people including the pastor’s daughter. then Don Jennings son did the message for the morning. He is also named Don Jennings and is a pastor in Brownsburg.
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Zarah didn’t want to go to the kids church so she stayed with us.

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We got back from Church about 12:30 the girls played for a while. Courtney texted me around 1:30 and asked if we could meet at 4:30.

The girls played in the basement. Then I took some pictures of them outside in their dresses.
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Brooklynn had to go to Soccer at 2:30. Zarah,  Azure and I went to Guitar Center in Castleton.
I looked at Amps. I am trying to find a smaller one for the party. My amp is just too loud. Even on number one.

While I browsed Azure and Zarah played electronic drums and guitars and talked on Microphones. Neither one of them wanted to leave. They let my try out a Marshall DSL40C to see if I like it.
We stopped in Carmel and they each got one dip of Ice Cream.
Later Zarah and I went to Burger King to get her a Cheese Burger
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Buku went to bed at 8:00 P.M. Zarah picked up my Strat and strummed it in the chair. Azure did a couple of hand stands. She is getting better.


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Sunday 8:02 P.M. Monster Inc got over and while the credits were rolling Azure and Zarah both noticed that the Dinasaur from “Toy Story” was in it. They both got excited and pointed at the screen. and Zarah said… wow I wonder how they did that.. Lol.

Azure and Zarah each took a shower at 8:15 and I baked a Jacks Cheese Pizza for them. Zarah didn’t want the pizza or the Gatorade and a few minutes later knocked Azures drink over on the carpet.

I gave them each a Popsicle.

They sorta watched some of Goblet of Fire and then we went to sleep.

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Went to bed before it was dark. slept ok. Got up at 6:00 am. Took a shower made pancakes for the girls and left for work about 6:50 a.m.

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The girls went with Yudi and Buku to Soccer and Piano lessons. They wanted to stay all night again. but I just don’t think it is a good Idea since I am not there and Buku is so busy.


Azure was excited because she bit/found/made a piece of cheese that looks like Indiana

I got home around 6:00 Brooklynn was in Deeya’s office working on a a singing part.
Azure and Zarah were making preparations for a party in the Piano room.
I felt really bad to have to tell them that I was going to take them home in about an hour.
They wanted to stay another night or two. I want them to but, Brooklynn is just so busy right now and I am working, and Azure has Physical Therapy on her feet on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Zarah cried and cried and cried… ugh… Finally I said rather forcefully… “I can’t do anything about it right now”…
I was sad about it but frustrated also.

We all got in the car around 6:50 P.M. I gave the girls a bunch of Promo stuff from work. Compliments of the owner.
Azure read the “Princess Bride book” Zarah still cried for some of the trip but eventually started listening to the Ipod again.

Eventually fate was accepted, and they went back to their usual glowing selves..
We went to Wal-Mart in Brownsburg. I picked up the Pictures of the girls in the bright dresses. I made 3 copies. one for Azure, Zarah, and Brooklynn.
I bought Azure a pink Camera for her Horse Camp next week. And Zarah a doll.
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We got back in the car. I took them to their house.
I gave each of the girls a big kiss and hugs. and said goodbye.
Tim met us at the back / side door. – I got back home around 9:30

June 10th, 2016 by