December 10 2016

Friday night I started trying convert my tapes from analog to digital and found out much to my dismay that they are falling apart and unplayable. Flakes of Iron Oxide are falling on the counter and the tape heads are getting black with residue in a matter of seconds. Not happy.


Saturday I got up and was missing the girls. I called Courtney and asked her if I could take them to lunch. She said “Sure”.

We went to an Antique mall in Brownsburg and what do ya know,  Santa happened to be there. The girls got their picture taken with him.

We walked around and looked at all the stuff. The girls got a Barry Manilow Box CD for Courtney for Christmas.

We walked over to a Subway that was in the same Shopping Center and had lunch.


Then w

Then we drove over and looked at a house for sale. Wow. It needed some work…


On the week of the December 19th 2016 we had a Birthday Party for Helen and Gavin on one day. And a white Elephant Gift Exchange on another.


December 12th, 2016 by