Visiting Deeya – Remi Staying All night -Dear Bobby Rehearsal

Courtney brought the girls over to my house so that we could go up and visit Brooklynn and Deeya for a while. I told the girls that we could only stay two hours. Courtney asked me if I could keep Remi for the night I said I am fine with it but the girls might not be. Courtney said that she would talk to them. Courtney brought a car seat for Remi to ride in.

We headed out to Cicero, Remi didn’t want to stay in her seat belt.

Deeya went to GiGI’s Cupcakes and got vegan cupcakes for all of us. I told her I wanted the Spicy Chocolate. That’s the one in the middle shown below. They really did taste amazing.


The girls all had a blast down in the basement. I stayed up stairs and talked to Deeya about her lakehouse and just general stuff.

Yudi hung out downstairs with the girls. They were being so quiet and good that I eventually went down in the basement to check on the.

Remi saw me come down stairs and pointed at the staircase and ordered me to go back upstairs…lol… The 3 other girls sang Taylor Swift Karaoke.

We left Deeya’s around 8:30… and of course I left my mail there…. ugh….

The Girls got comfy in the living room and watched Super Monsters as Remi wanted.

Sarah fell asleep on the couch pretty quickly. Azure went in her room to work on songs..


Around Midnight I put Remi in Zarahs Bed… She kept calling me in the room for this that and the other. I downloaded a Cat game for her on a kindle. Finally she zonked out.

Zarah came in my room in the middle of the night and slept.


Courtney came by and got Remi around 10:00 A.M. Azure had “Dear Bobby” practice from 1-5 on Saturday. We all took showers and got ready and left for Indy. I stopped at “Needlers” market downtown and got some Lunchables for the girls…

We walked Azure into Practice and hung out for few minutes.

Then Zarah and I went to Circle Center Mall and hung out for about an hour. Then we went over to Chris Dickeys Apartment and hung out for about an hour… Then we walked across the street from his apartment to the Downtown Library…. It is massive. we looked around and checked out some stuff.

I let Zarah check the stuff out. Ms. Independent. We went back and got Azure went back to the house.

I woke up Sunday in a great mood the weather was great…..Courtney came over and got Zarah around noon to go to a Hockey game. Azure decided to stay with me…

The plan was for Courtney pick Azure up on the way back from the hockey game but then she decided that she wanted to stay all night again.

Azure and Courtney argued about Azure’s attitude. I said… Don’t worry about it I will take her to School.

Azure played games while I worked on Jeff Hedbacks website. I watched a video about Exercising and then fell asleep on my bed.

I woke up around 3 am and Azure was asleep beside me…. awwwhh sweet lil girl..

We got up at 6:15. I took a shower. Azure ate some cereal. and we took off we made it to her School on time and I made it to work on time.

March 5th, 2018 by