Moscow Ballet – The Nutcracker.


I was supposed to meet Courtney at 7:30, but she wanted to run by her mothers and let Azure and Zarah give her birthday presents. I met Courtney and the girls at Costco at 8:00 p.m.
Azure yelled out the window that they had a surprise for me. When the brought it out, It was a telescope that Missy said that I could have. I am excited about that. I have found a recently rediscovered fascination with the Universe and planets. I watched the whole season of The History Channels “The Universe” on Blu-ray last week. And I loved it.
 We got  to the house around 8:30. Azure practiced guitar right away for a while.
( I was proud of her for that, and told her so)
Then the girls played with their “American Girl” Dolls for a while.
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I sat up the table so that the girls could draw…( Too late for Painting tonight)
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Then we played the game “Headbandz”. We changed the rules up though. Instead of describing the object to the person, we each had to draw a picture of it. Azure and Zarah have been trying to learn to draw recently and I thought that would be a good way to get them to practice. 

We actually had a really good time. 
At 11:00 we watched the American Miss finals in Los Angeles. Brooklynn was one of the finalists. We fell asleep around 12:30. 
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I woke up at 8:30 am the next day. They girls were already playing in the Exercise room. They each had cereal for breakfast. 
Around 11:00 They took a bath in the Jacuzzi and got ready for the ballet. It is cloudy and drizzly today. About 50 degrees. 
We left the house at 1:00 to go to Scott and Elaina’s  house.  ( We wanted to get to the Murat early because Chris was going to try and arrange a meeting between Azure and Zarah and a Ballerina )
We stopped at Burger King by the house and I got Azure and Zarah some Chicken Nuggets and a cookie.
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We sat on Scotts couch while Eleaina got ready. Scott was asking the girls all kinds of questions about school and stuff. At one point Scott said “Azure are you getting A’s in school?”….. Azure said “Yes.
Then Scott asked Zarah ” What about you Zarah are you getting all A’s in School?”…. Zarah said “I don’t do A’s”… 
We all about fell over laughing. I was laughing so hard… I could barely hear her explaining that what meant is that they only get Check marks for good work.  I said “that one is going in the blog!”
We all left and made it to the Murat about 2:15.  The girls looked at the stuff at the Souvenir Stand.  I called Chris and he came out and met us in the lobby. We went back stage and Chris gave us a tour of the stage.  I took a few pics of the girls and we walked around for about 15 minutes. Chris and Scott hadn’t seen each other in about 20 years. We had a blast laughing and talking about the old days.  There was a “Moscow Ballet” Nutcracker in a box on Chris’s desk. He asked Azure if she wanted it. He said that they were gonna throw it away because the box was damaged. She was super excited about it.
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When we left to got back to the lobby and make our way to our seats there was a ballerina there to get pictures taken with her.  I had several taken of Azure and Zarah. Supposedly they are gonna sent the pics to me via email in a couple days. I sure hope they do.
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Azure got a DVD of the “NutCracker Ballet” and Zarah got a “Moscow Ballet Princess Set” .  We made our way to the seats.
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The Show was supposed to start at 3:00 but didn’t start until about 3:30. The show was very beautiful. I even got a lil misty a couple of times during the show. ( partly because I was sharing the experience with Azure and Zarah).
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The Couple above was amazing!
Zarah kept whispering to me that she was thirsty. Finally I went to the lobby and got a coke a sprite and pretzel…. 15.00 Bucks… UGH…
After the show was over we went backstage to Chris’s office again we Yucked it up for several more minutes. We were all having a great time.
We got outside and it was windy and colder and dark out. Scott wanted to walk over to Bazbeaus Pizza. But we had accidentally left the girls coats at the house. I told Scott we can only walk there if you give Azure your suit jacket and I will give Zarah My jacket.
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He Agreed we walked there. It was a 30 minute wait. But since we were walking we decided oh well we will wait. Azure and Zarah and I sat by the door on a bench. A few minutes later a teen girl wearing a warm up suit with the name of dance studio stitched into the jacket walked in. She had Make up on and her face was kind of glittery. I asked her if she was in the Nutcracker tonight. She said yes and told me what character she was.  (One of the oriental Characters)
I asked her how old she was. She said 14. I asked her how long she has been dancing, She said 11 years… I asked her lots of questions about practice and rehearsals. I could tell by the look on Azures face that she  listening Intently to the conversation. She also said that they had been rehearsing since September, and that they didn’t meet or practice with any of the main cast.
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The girls grand mother sat down beside us and we all talked the waiting time. It was fun. I asked the girl if Azure and Zarah could get a photo with her… Grandma piped up and said “Of course they can”. ( She was proud of her lil Grand daughter.)
Finally we made it to a booth. Azure and Zarah and I split a 12 inch Cheese Pizza ( Per Zarah). Scott spent the entire night talking to Azure about school and hobbies and making life choices.
Zarah saw one her school mates from White lick at Bazbeauxs. A little girl about Zarahs age. After about an hour at the table Scott and Elaina walked back to the car and came back to pick us up.
We got back to Scotts house. Elaina and I were really tired but it was only 7:30 at the time… WOW it seemed like midnight to me.  The girls played with Elaina upstairs while Scott and I sat at the kitchen table and talked.  This went on for a couple of hours. I was tired and over it but Scott was in a really good mood. 
Around 10:00 the girls came down and Elaina gave the girls hot chocolate and cookies. We all sat at the table talking until about 10:30.  Azure said that she wanted to talk in a microphone downstairs but I told her it was too late. Zarah wanted to play the drums. Scott said it was ok and went down stairs and turned the P.A. on. 
Look how Happy Zarah is….. 
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Azure having a super time too…. Letten ’em be little….
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Me and Scott and the girls pounded on the drums and played guitars and sang into the mic for about a half hour. Finally I said ” Ok gang, time to call it a day”.
The three of us went upstairs to the bedroom. Karate Kid was on T.V. We watched about a 3rd of it and went to sleep.
I heard Scott downstairs around 8:00 a.m. I went downstairs. The reason that we stayed all night is because Scott asked me to help him move a couch Sunday. However just as we were about to leave to go get it the people giving it away called and cancelled. Scott wasn’t too happy about that.
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Elaina made toast and Orange juice for the girls and coffee and toast for me.  I looked out into Scotts backyard and there was an 8-10 point buck laying down in his yard. We were all like wow.. What in the world is that thing doing in the City? We watched it for a long time. Scott eventually tried to scare it off by banging on the window but it just got up and walked to the back corner of the yard. 
The yard was fenced in so we thought maybe it was just trapped and couldn’t get out. A gray feral cat wandered into the backyard and started toying with a mouse it had captured. All of us and the Deer watched the cat. Then some Squirrels started playing on the telephone line just over the Deers head…
We were all like… “This is so weird”
Finally Scott went out in the backyard to scare the Deer off… After a minute or so it leaped over the fence as easy as could be. 
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We packed up our stuff and headed home. On the way we stopped at Fry’s. I got 50 Dvd’s for 5 bucks and got Azure a “Ballet Fitness” DVD for 5 bucks. 
Then we headed up 69 towards Noblesville and went to Barnes and Noble. We looked for Ballet books but there were none. I got Zarah a reading level one “Frozen” book. I told her that if she could read the First page to me without any help I would buy it for her… It took her a couple of minutes, but she did it… 
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We got back to the house around 12:00 or so I think. The girls Played with the “American Dolls” again for a little while. 
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Then we actually watched the Moscow Ballet “Behind the Scenes” DVD Azure really liked it.  Then went upstairs and started playing the Piano. Later I went up stairs to try and teach her how to understand a major scale. 
She got frustrated again and teared up. ( mainly because she was too shy to sing a note for me )  I left her alone for a while and then she came back down stairs we talked for over an hour about confidence and shyness. 
Later after I got her cheered up she watched the “Ballet Fitness” DVD. She copied the lady on the DVD for a long time. I told her not to over do it in one day or she might be sore.
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Zarah and I played “Headbandz” again.
Courtney texted me and said that she might be running late because the were at the Colts game.  Around 6:30 it was determined that we would meet at Starbucks at 7:30. 
The girls and I packed up. Frank talked to the girls while I loaded up the car. 
We headed out and went to Wal-mart. I needed to get a couple of money orders.  The girls made sure I didn’t leave my billfold there this time…lol
We listened to Taylor Swift in the car and got to Starbucks about 7:35 p.m. Courtney said that the also had went to Michigan this weekend to watch a College Football game. 
I kissed and hugged the girls. I reminded Courtney that I was taking them to the Circus at Bankers life on Thursday. 
Had a great great weekend with the girls…….
Got home, got online. Made $50.00 Christmas donation to Angel Tree Ministries.

December 1st, 2015 by