Azure Ballet Recital 2018


Friday Night

Azure went to sleep around 9:30 in her room. She had me adjust her door so the hallway light shined in a little.

I went to bed a little bit later..

Saturday 05-12-2018

Azure set the alarm on her phone for 7:00 am. I saw the light in the hallway come on and I got up at the same time.

I found some bobby pins and help Azure get the bun in her hair just the way she wanted it.

Kaylin couldn’t decide if she wanted to go and messed around until the very last second to get dressed.

We left the house around 8:00 a.m. We needed to be there by 9:00 a.m. Azure was hungry so I stopped at Wal-mart on Rockville road. Azure waited in the car while, Zarah, Kaylin and I ran in to get some fruit. Zarah wanted Pineapple, Kaylin wanted Chips and a cookie from Subway.

We dropped Azure off in front of the School at 9:05.

Azure told me that the recital started at 11:00 a.m so we had a couple of hours to kill.  I parked the car behind the school and the girls had fun running around the concession stand and bleachers and track.

Courtney texted me and told me that the recital didn’t start until noon. So I asked the girls if they wanted to go to Chuckie Cheese. They of course wanted to. I asked Siri to give me driving directions to the Chuckie Cheese in Avon. I didn’t realize until we were almost there that it was practically all the way back to my house. They opened at 10:00 a.m. We got there at 9:58 a.m.

There was a father and his son walking up at the same time and he told me I could download a coupon for unlimited play for an hour. I was like, perfect!!. I had the salad bar while the girls played. They had a ball, and practically had the place to our self.

By the time the cards ran out at the end of an hour. Zarah had 375 tickets and Kaylin had 450 tickets. We were starting to run behind and by the time the girls got their tickets counted and trinkets picked out it was almost 11:20. I was getting antsy because I began to realize we were going to be late for the recital. By the time we got out of there I was sure we would be a little late. I texted Courtney and asked her to save 3 seats.

We arrived at 12:10. We got in the auditorium and waited for the act that was up before we took our seats.



Azure did a wonderful job…. I am so proud her her….. Dan, Courtney Remi, Tim, Zarah, Kaylin, Azure and I all met i the lobby and took pics and visited for a few minutes.

We got back to the house



Around 4:00 pm. we started talking about eating healthy, eventually I told the girls that we would go to Kroger and they could pick out dinner and then make it. They were excited as we walked through the aisles of Kroger.  They kept telling Jason and I that we were the kids and that they were going to make our dinner for us. They were very happy… it was fun…..

They picked out corn on cob, potatoes, tomatoes, watermelon, and I picked out one stalk of rhubarb. I wanted them to try something they had never had before

The girls did most of it… although I helped with the cutting and boiling water.

Dinner was delicious and we had a good time and a lot of laugh….

I gave everyone a chunk of rhubarb, it tasted like a sour apple… it was met with mixed reviews..

When I was a young boy in Florida, my Grandma had this in her back yard it was a treat back then.

Sunday May 13th 2018


Jason helped me clean up my garage… now I get my car in it….. love it….

Happiness is opening your note pad to find a secret note from your little Zebra !!!!!!!!!!!!

May 19th, 2018 by